Upcoming speeches and events:

Photo: Berlingske Tidende

Photo: Berlingske Tidende

SALT Conference, September 26, Singapore

ECB FX Conference, December 15, Rome

CFA FX Outlook Conference, January, London

Portugal Book Tour, January, Lisbon

European Pension Summit, April, Geneva




Selected Past Speaking Engagements:

Milken Conference, April 28/30, 2008

Jens Nordvig (right) and Berry Eichengreen at the Milken Conference 2008

Jens Nordvig (right) and Berry Eichengreen at the Milken Conference 2008

Goldman Sachs Macro Conference, 2008, Miami, January 2008

Drobny Conference 2010, Santa Monica, April 2010

FX10 Bloomberg Conference Panelist, Market Opportunities, client demand and the Competitive Landscape, New York, Oct 7, 2010

Profit & Loss Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil – Oct 20, 2010

Euromoney, New York (Panelist: What Now for the Eurozone and the Euro?), November 2, 2010

Euromoney London, (Panelist), May 3, 2011

Brazil Conference/Forum, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Flows to Brazil, the Role of Japanese Capital and Global Liquidity), June 28, 2011

FX Week West coast,  San Francisco, Sept 2011

Euromoney conference, New York, Broadening debt crisis and implications for Major currencies – November 1, 2011

Acta Conference, January 18, 2012, Oslo https://www.acta.no/Acta-konferansen-2012/Program/

Euromoney London, London, May 8-9 2012: Coping with unorthdox Monetary Policy

NMS Fall Conference, Washington DC Sept 11 2012 –http://www.nmsmanagement.com/EF-FallInfo.html

Berlin Conference (INET), Germany, Sept 21-22, 2012 http://www.stiftung-mercator.de/en/home.html

Standish Investor Conference, Boston – Sept 26, 2012

Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones Annual FX meeting, New York, December 2012.

Emerging Markets Investments summit, Miami – Jan 28-29, 2013

Bloomberg Link Mexico Summit, Mexico City, March, 2013.

IIF Annual Meeting of Central and East European Bank Chief Executives, Berlin,  April 28-30, 2013

London Business School: VC Presentation:  Will Abenomics Work? July 5th, 2013

Imperial College London: Annual FX Conference 2013 – July 2nd, 2013

US Pension Summit,  Chicago, July 24, 2013